Norme, consigli
What standards should the floor stave meet?
Our products are manufactured as solid and layered floor elements with grooves and tongue without chemical treatment, according to PN-EN13226: 2004. Our factory produces parquet and floorboard 22mm, 21mm, 16mm and 15mm thick. Until recent time, the qualification of classes was used. At present, we are moving away from establishing classes and replacing them with terms that describing the color and texture of the wood. Out of our experience the “ANDREWPOL” company knows that customers are used to the old classification, therefore uses mixed terminology.
In the case of ash parquet, additionally class I is divided into three subgroups:
Natural ash – colorful – has got white and brown grains
Brown ash – without any light fragments
Light ash, called white -without any brown fragments
The price of brown and natural ash is always the same. Light color ash is more expensive..
Brief class norms description of the products in “ANDREWPOL” company
- Class I natural – no knots, clean stave, different grain, various shades, moisture 9% +/- 2%, marked with “○”
- Brown (dark) class I – no knots, clean stave, different grain, shades of brown (without any light fragments), moisture 9% +/- 2%, marked with “○”
- Light class I – no knots, clean stave, different grain, different shades of light and light pink fragments (without any brown discoloration), moisture 9% +/- 2%, marked with “○”
- Class II – fine knots, cracks, grains and various shades acceptable, moisture 9% +/- 2% marked with “Δ”
- Class III – any defects acceptable, various grains and shades, moisture 9%+/- 2% marked with “□”
- Class I natural – no knots, clean stave without sapwood on top side, different grain, natural color, moisture 9% +/- 2%, marked with “○”
- Class II – fine knots, cracks, grains and various shades acceptable, moisture 9% +/- 2% marked with “Δ”
- Class III – any defects, big knots, sapwood, natural and unnatural discoloration, moisture 9% +/- 2%, marked with “□”
Due to the unavoidable differences during sorting, up to 2% of the lower quality grades are allowed in each class.
- – upper plane: planed wavines to a depth of 0.3 mm,
- – lower plane: loss of wood up to 2 mm deep, width up to 5 mm and up to 1/3 of the length of the stove.
- – sides: grooves and tearing of the fibers up to 0.3 mm,
- – front: inclination of the perpendicular of the front from the longitudinal axis of the stove is up to 0.5% of the width of the stove.
- – grooves and tongues must ensure proper assembly of the staves without slits on the floor plane.
- Parquet should be stored in a dry, ventilated area not exposed to sunlight and precipitation. Packages should be insulated from the ground. The area should be heated to a minimum of 20 – 23 degrees C and humidity should be 45 – 60%, and if it is the place of installation, the conditions should be checked and confirmed by the assembler.
- The purchased wood assortment should be brought to the building (assembly site) to “season” there to acclimatize about 2-3 weeks before the assembly packed in original packaging (foil). The acclimatization process should be carried out under the professional supervision of the person responsible for installation.
Parquet should be transported by covered means of transport. Packages must be protected from movement and damage during transport.
The most important aspect when laying the floor are the conditions in a given room. The room should be heated to a minimum of 20 – 23 degrees C and the humidity should oscillate between 45 – 60%.
After thorough checking of the conditions and preparation of protocols by a specialized fitter we can proceed to the further assembly process of the floors, adapting to the following recommendations.
Before commencing assembly, look carefully at the product supplied. The inspection, checking and approval of the received goods may take place no later than within 1 month of receiving the product from the Zakład Drzewny “ANDREWPOL” Andrzej Pryczynicz. Do not mount damaged boards.
Our products can be assembled only by professional parquet companies.
Before laying, the floor should be grinded (if necessary), to avoid unevenness and surface dirt, and then thoroughly vacuum it.
The floor, free of cracks and irregularities, should be stained with the primer according to recommendations of the producer.
Gluing the board should not take place sooner than 24 hours after the priming of the floor. The adhesive should be selected according to the size of the glued elements as per the manufacturer’s recommendations. It is recommended to use polyurethane, synthetic and hybrid adhesives, depending on the recommendations of the manufacturer of the gluing system, and the use of a single system to ensure compliance of measures.
ATTENTION ! We do not recommend the use of dispersion adhesives.
For laying our products, use the appropriate floor chemicals. For this purpose, please ask the manufacturer if there are no contraindications to its use. We are not responsible for the use of improper chemicals.
Remember to install a temperature seal, which we as a manufacturer recommend for its use and provide free access to the marked place where it was placed. The lack of assembly of seals (temperature markers) causes the loss of claims for damages.
We recommend laying the floor along the direction of the sun’s rays, that is, perpendicular to the sunniest window in the room. In long and narrow spaces such as corridors, always mount along the long side.
Laying starts from the corner of the wall, in the longitudinal direction of the room, with the pen pointing towards you. Remember to provide expansion joints separating the floor areas from the wall and solid structure elements.
The laying of the second row of the floor should start with the longitudinal section of the final board of the first row. The individual boards must be closely connected using tools designed for laying wooden floors. Care should be taken not to damage the surface layer.
The last row of boards usually have to be adjusted to the width, for this purpose, place the carefully fitted board with the bottom side facing upwards with the tongue towards the wall. On the board, mark the line as the cutting edge. Align the spacer wedges between the boards when adjusting. After cutting the board to the desired length and placing the distance wedge, the last row of boards should be pressed with a metal bouncer. After bonding, all distance wedges are removed and the expansion joint is covered with a skirting board. The flooring boards should be finished, i.e. sanding, putty, painted after a period of 1 month from sticking to the substrate in order to acclimatize to the existing environmental conditions.
The purchased floor may differ from the pattern or sample viewed because it is natural wood obtained from many trees, which have different shades of color and grain resulting from what area and region they grew, at what time of the year ware cut, as well as time the sample was prepared (eg solar radiation), etc. Boards and parquet are intended only for installing indoor floors.
Oiled floors are becoming increasingly popular due to their technical and aesthetic qualities. Oiling strengthens the color of the wood allowing it to retain its natural appearance while enhancing the grains. The oil penetrates deeply into the wood without clogging the pores, so the wood receives and gives moisture. This is important especially in rooms with variable humidity, e.g. in the bathroom. and moisture. This is especially important in rooms with variable humidity, e.g. in bathrooms.
Oiled wood is more pleasant in touch, is not static, does not creak and does not draw dust as much as varnished surfaces. The oiled floor is matt with a light velvety shine.
Renovation of oiled floors is extremely easy. To fix a damaged part of the floor, you do not need to do a general repair. To renew the surface just paint another layer of oil without sanding the entire surface. The floorboard preserved like this has an extraordinary ability to regenerate; the scratches on the oiled floor do not change their color, and the wood swells filling the scratches.
Small scratches, which can occur in everyday use, are easily removed through regular care treatments. In less frequently used spaces, maintenance should be repeated once every six months because the oil is oxidizes and after some time the floor becomes matt and needs to be renewed. It takes as much time as normal cleaning.
The oil coating can be stained for various colors, it can be to darken or to lighten. The advantages of this floor can be list on and on.
The final decision on the choice of surface type always belongs to the customer. If you are not fully satisfied with the final appearance of the wooden floor, during the renovation the top layer can be changed easily.
When buying a wooden floor, keep in mind that most types of wood over time gently darken over time this changes their appearance. Wooden floors are aging with class giving it expressivity.
The varnished floors offer is primarily addressed to people who like traditional solutions. The varnished flooring works out well in any type of interior, regardless of its character, while providing maximum protection for surfaces.
After varnishing wood keeps its natural color and every detail becomes visible.
There are varnishes with different durability available on the market. Thanks to that it is possible to choose proper varnish to fit the particular room.
Unquestionable advantage of varnished wood floor is high surface resistance to dirt (dirt does not penetrate into the wood structure), easy and cheap maintenance, relatively long time of use without renovation, the possibility of getting visual effect of oiled floor.
However, varnished floors also have their disadvantages such as low scratch resistance, static electricity of the floor and dust drawing, lack of possibility of partial repair, varnishing the edges of wooden elements, which can cause cracking on the edges, expensive and time-consuming renovation.
Mechanical defects can be prevented by using felt pads under furniture and avoiding walking in high heels. The scratches can be prevented by using doormats to keep the dirt and sand away. Wood quickly absorbs moisture so it is advisable to wipe dry spilt liquids immediately and do not place the plant pots directly on the floor. Scratches and mechanical damages caused by above-mentioned reasons can not be the subject of a complaint.
Excess of ordered goods in our company are not refundable. Before purchasing a particular assortment, we will assist you in calculating appropriate overplus, taking into consideration the size of the given space.
The quality and moisture of the parquet must be checked prior to installation. Before starting with installation, carefully inspect the material provided (not later than 1 month from receiving your product from Zakład Drzewny “ANDREWPOL” Andrzej Pryczynicz) and, if there are any objections, irregularities or damage, immediately report this to the manufacturer. The decision to install a purchased assortment that is perceived as “defective” or not fulfilling the expectations discredits any possibility of complaint to the manufacturer. We do not take responsibility for the assembly, the preparation of the foundation or the way of finishing the wood. Keep in mind that wood is a hygroscopic material that changes its properties with changing environmental conditions (it gives up excess moisture to the environment during the winter – heating period or absorbs it from the environment during the summer time in high humidity, more than 60%). In the case of prolonged use of the floor (especially during the heating period), minor gaps or cracks may occur due to changes in the size of staves,
Painted oak board flooring (solid and layered) can not be covered with foil or cardboard for more than 24 hours. Each additional day of keeping it under cover makes a negative impact on the floor and can cause deformation of the surface of staves or their dimensions.
- DESCRIPTION-TECHNIQUE-Solido-bordo-parquet-in-rovere-pavimenti-in-rovere-massello-bordo
- DESCRIZIONE-TECNICA-parquet-in-rovere-massello
- DESCRIZIONE-TECNICA-rovere-pedana-strato
- DESCRIZIONE-TECNICA-strato-parquet-di-rover
- Cura-e-pulizia-OVERMAT
- Cura-e-pulizia-OSMO
- Product safety sheet Floorservice Color Hardwasolie Classic
- Product information Floorservice Color Hardwasolie Classic
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