

Oak floorboard class III (light rustic) 21 x 97 x 495 – 1395mm, microbevel 4 sides + sanding (prepared for painting after assembly).

Price: 41,80 EUR/m2 net (51,41 EUR/m2 gross)

Oak floorboard left and right boards (herringbone 90o) class III (light rustic) 21 x 97 x 580 or 780mm, microbevel 4 sides + sanding (prepared for painting after assembly).

Price: 43,05 EUR/m2 net (52,95 EUR/m2 gross)

Oak floorboard class III (light rustic) 21 x 117 x 495 – 2395mm, microbevel 4 sides + sanding (prepared for painting after assembly).

Price: 47,90 EUR/m2 net (58,92 EUR/m2 gross)

Oak floorboard left and right boards (herringbone 90o) class III (light rustic) 21 x 117 x 580 or 780mm, microbevel 4 sides + sanding (prepared for painting after assembly).

Price: 49,15 EUR/m2 net (60,45 EUR/m2 gross)

Oak floorboard class III (light rustic) 15 x 97 x 495 – 1495mm, microbevel 4 sides + sanding (prepared for painting after assembly).

Price: 33,80 EUR/m2 net (41,57 EUR/m2 gross)

Oak floorboard left and right boards (herringbone 90o) class III (light rustic) 15 x 127 x 580 or 780mm, microbevel 4 sides + sanding (prepared for painting after assembly).

Price: 37,05 EUR/m2 net (45,57 EUR/m2 gross)

Oak floorboard left and right boards (herringbone 90o) class III (light rustic) 15 x 147 x 780mm, microbevel 4 sides + sanding (prepared for painting after assembly).

Price: 41,00 EUR/m2 net (50,43 EUR/m2 gross)

Oak floorboard class III (light rustic) 21 x 97 x 495 – 1395mm, microbevel 4 sides + sanding + oling (2 layers of oil + preservative oil impregnation FREE !!!!) – board does not require the application of a preservative after assambling the floor.

Price: 48,55 EUR/m2 net (59,72 EUR/m2 gross)